<H1> Latest Discussions and Posts </H1> |
Using JDBC for DB2 connectivity
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How to pull Jira Report into Excel
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How to get desktop path in java
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How to Export Mysql database to .sql file?
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Generating the OTP in python
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Send an email through Amazon SES programmatically from Python
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Using restassured to call API behind proxy
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The import io.restassured.RestAssured cannot be resolved
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TestNG by default disables loading DTD from unsecure Urls
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How to setup Selenium & Gecko driver on MAC
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Database Testing using SOAPUI
</H2> |
Write to local file system using a postman collection
</H2> |
Performance Testing
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Starting with Git in simple steps
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Tips to analyse logs using unix commands
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How to access request body in postman
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Sending message from python using msg91
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How to use date and timestamp in postman
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Difference between Springboot 1.X and Springboot 2.X
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Fundamentals of Microservices Design
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Features of Spring Boot
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Agile Methodology of Development
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How to create new laravel project ( new php application )
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Hystrix (Circuit Breaker )
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Feign Client
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Why Spring cloud is required?
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Is there a way to make npm commands work properly behind a proxy?
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How to check the apache config on ubuntu
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Installing apache, mysql and php on ubuntu
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Mcrypt PHP extension required or PHP7 is missing mcrypt or PHP missing mcrypt module
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JVM (Java) and it’s Memory Management
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Difference between Git and SVN
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REST Service
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What is Ajax?
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Java OOPs
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Difference between Static and Dynamic Web content
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How to paste lotus notes link into outlook email
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Solr index
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Generics in Java
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How to pass parameters in downstream jenkins jobs
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Collection Framework in Java
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Exceptions and Errors in Java
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Testing SOAP Services with WS-Security using SOAPUI
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Error while decryption of SOAPUI response- “Error Getting Response :null”
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Thread and its various states in Java
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Difference between Abstract Class and Interface
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Anonymous Inner Class in Java
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Newman – Command line integration with Postman
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Postman Collections and organizing test using collections
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What is IOC or Dependency Injection ?
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Overriding Hosts file using Fiddler
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Writing Tests in Postman
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Analyzing http and https traffic using fiddler
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Azure WebApp: Different ways to deploy website on Azure
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API Testing with Postman
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Url Encoding and Decoding in Java
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Recording Traffic in Parasoft Virtualize using Message Proxies
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Working with Message Proxies in Parasoft Virtualize
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Scrum – Agile Methodology
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Difference between Scrum and XP (Extreme Programming)
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Automation advantages in Agile? Why automation is needed in Agile?
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Microservices and their key benefits
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What is an intern() method in the String class?
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Canonicalization in Java
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SOAP and REST web service comparison
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Java Performance Tuning Tips
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ACID Properties – DBMS Transaction
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Analysing and fixing Java Heap related Issues
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Using DUAL table in Oracle
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Difference between x-www-form-url-encoded and multipart/form-data MIME types
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How to copy one schema into another using SQL
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How to resolve Base Site Template (BST) propagation in Liferay
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Application Performance Management Tools
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Defining Performance and Performance Tuning
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Test Driven Development
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Creating First Parasoft Virtual Asset
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Getting started with Parasoft Virtualize
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Basic Java constructs
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New features of various java releases and their comparison
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Parasoft Virtualize Installation
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Service Virtualization Tools
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Installing java SDK and writing first java program
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Core Java Architecture and JVM
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Object oriented concepts used in Java
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Service Virtualization
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</H2> |
Bug Life Cycle
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</H2> |
How to integrate elastic search with spring boot application
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How to create custom page template in WordPress
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Email validator in java
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Converting a number to english word in java
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How to find index or constraint in Oracle?
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How to sign SOAP request in Jmeter
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How to write to local file system using a postman collection java script
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Changing the forgotten password of System
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SQL query to search in CLOB field
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How to get file name from HttpServletRequest
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Deep copmpare of JSON
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Recover oracle database from error ORA-00333
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Integration of Rich File Manager with ckeditor
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Social Data
Cost and overhead previously rendered this semi-public form of communication unfeasible.
But advances in social networking technology from 2004-2010 has made broader concepts of sharing possible.